Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Babb Bar Cattle Baron Supper Club

More Glacier National Park pictures! 
Please do take note of the excellent historical wall art found in the Babb Bar Cattle Baron Supper Club - an eating establishment we discovered in Babb, Montana.  Best steak and baked potato Eric and I have ever tried. Also they make very exciting fresh pineapple juice. Also the Babb Bar Cattle Baron Supper Club is the only thing in Babb, we think. Also the Babb Bar Cattle Baron Supper Club is amazing. 
I have not edited the saturation in any of these pictures - the lake really is that stunningly blue and the hillsides are truly that green. Well, at least they are when there is sunshine and not a 90 foot snowdrift on the closed road that goes through the park. Ahh three-hour-alternate-scenic-routes ... 


Eric said...

And the wall art really is that vivid, and the gas tank on the stove is really that red.

Alessandra said...

I know right! Stick figures! Who knew they could be so accurate with their depiction of what all the history books seem to ignore ....